ocr: Asymptote Order Form Single Asympote user version. v1.0 Call or $295 e-mail for multi-user Student and site Price: licenses. $199" Brains 9445 Phone/FAX: Albuquerque, Bent Rd (505) NM NE 87109 828-9055 Includes free customer support via e-mail, fax or phone (9-5MST). SOFTWARE *Include photocopy of valid student ID and university department affiliation. Internet: Drainseworid.std.comAppleLink: BRAINS No. of copies: 6295 - $ 5199/student Sales Tax (NM only: 5.8125%): $ Name Shipping & Handling: $ TOTAL: $ Title Shipping & Handling (each copy Cont. US: $5 (Ground) $9 (2-Day) $20 (Overnight) via U ...